Your presidential highness, you throne of command witnesses much tumult as your mind grasps for harmony in a life world where wisdom simply cannot catch up with the vagaries of emotion. Is that not the sole reason why third world countries are not developed, since if their hearts are not convinced that what you tell them is good for them, they will ignore you and live a live of poverty, because well, they just haven’t reached the point that the information created by their emotions is dense enough. Are we writing to learn, or to educate? In front of god, all writing is a learning process, but it becomes less so and more instructive the more mortal the reader is. Gid, my dearest, dearest fractional god, forgive me, for the semantics of our times makes it difficult to regularly incorporate you in colloquial speech, even though you are flesh to my mind, a restraining hand to my arrogance. There is no greater love than the love of a woman who will end up killing you, so respect her well, a...
Showing posts from June, 2022
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Let’s face it, this concept of a monarchic superimpositional bicameral legislature is a much more powerful political system than a republican form of government, because the needs of the different denominations of the people is met more acutely, resulting in a doubling, or even tripling, of the output of a nation, pretty much as a reward from the efforts of the added complexity of the system. The extent to which it’s influence extends in large part depends on the will and compassion of the respective monarchs, with the consent of the people, of course. After all, a monarch is merely the medium through which the people rule. Republics, mark my words, for your days are numbered, and you are under threat of being merely the hinterlands of civilization. Yes, we admit, your system of cheques and balances, civil administration and power sharing might be superior to that of a monarchy isolate, but with two monarchies, both ruling the same area, even though some localities might not over...
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One of the most difficult challenges in life is to make your emotion catch up with your ambitions. When you are young, you are less likely to be settled in your way, and changes to your life throws back, or at least destabilizes, any habits you believe you have acquired, even if just for the short term. Never believe yourself superior to your emotions, for whether you like it or not, they are your personality, and you should spend time meditating on how to live with them, rather than ignoring their vagaries and having them destroy you. Habits are always such that, whether acquired in poverty or wealth, tend to remain the same, simply because it’s too mentally exhausting to change them. How I bemoan that equations are not used more extensively in communication, perhaps they will in time. We are feeble today, which is something that always happens when extra wealth is acquired, although admittedly that is still something at god’s discretion for us. Praise should always be thought of in ...
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Sometimes, a group of people feel hatred towards you merely for being alive. Don’t despair though, and have honor, for someone who repeatedly insults you is merely someone who is constantly stabbing himself. Give him time, and he will bleed himself to death. Oman is in desperate need of a papal nunciature. What good is all this passion for building military bases in the country, when a single priest will not only honor the people, but spread peace amongst them too. Pope Francis, you are my oxygen, and I can’t live without you. It is painful, when you live in a country that is so monoculturally western. The west is a very heterogenous place, to skimp on all that here in favor of a small clique starves the country, and leaves it thirsty, with no vibrancy or buzz in its cities, and is what we would like to call a Rose terror. No country has the right to claim itself to be the gateway to the west for a foreign nation, because pluralism is what is needed to make nations thrive. Let us keep...
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Don’t tell me this, that kings sit down with their heads lowered in defeat. If you make money, you would be driven to practically walk to the moon, but the mighty are focused on work independently of what they receive for it. See to it that people point out the areas of happiness in life, for that is where the greatest criticism is needed. That is what created the Apollo disaster, the September 11 attacks, and the coronavirus pandemic. Why should people denigrate themselves with emotional instability? In an age where robots are getting closer and closer to having a consciousness, any weakness on our part will make them unite with nature to annihilate us. Emotional instability is the greatest affliction of poverty, and overcoming it is the only way a person’s condition can improve in life. Is economic development really a zero sum game, such that if a group succeeds, another has to fail? Perhaps in the short term, that is true, but in the long term, with the right policies, prosperity c...
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Let’s face it. If a person is given wealth and a title, it is not to glorify him, but rather to curtail his power so that it is either limited or reduced in influence. A person with knowledge and communication can run the earth, and wealth is given to him to give others the chance to participate in this activity. This, of course, does not apply to us, for our pockets are shallow, and are ridden with holes. Nonetheless, we must recognize that the amount of knowledge available, so long as a single human being in a single lifetime is concerned, is infinite, meaning that the process of its acquisition should be based purely on emotional grounds, rather than anything else. Balancing out the interplay between emotions and information, that is, the emotive-information lattice, is an important condition for life management, especially after the reading, thought matrix is harmonized. Words are ammo, and your mind a gun. Use your heart, tempered by your mind, to determine what is right and...
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I am the richest poor man in the world. Poverty is a universe, one we have never existed out of. Tattered clothes and broken cars…these are worlds in an infinite of not quites. We want to live with exactly zero wealth, but that would make us communist. Therefore, we propose a compromise, to live with one bit of wealth. Data is all that matters, and as of now, no one has given us any. This digital world, it’s almost as if the soul has been given a body, for it’s not quite ephemeral, yet it’s not substantive either. Capitalism is a human rights abuse, and digitalism is the only ideology that could capture human effort effectively. The bit, generated by voice or by typing, is the fundamental unit in such an economic system, and the wealth of a nation or community is determined by gross domestic data, or data density per square kilometer. why do you open your mouth in astonishment when the wealthiest are generating their wealth from entities that are less and less physical? It is th...
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There is always an air of a pending visit to a death chamber whenever I write. Indeed, perhaps this time, I have really reached the end. A moral mistake makes a person suffer twice as it gets digested, once through the memory, and the other through battling the unhealthy peace that concurrently arises. Peace is our enemy, and we have fought, and still are fighting, claw and canine in order to tame it and simply feel the kind of bored engrossment that makes the repeated task of closing and opening a cupboard everyday the peak of emotional verisimilitude, without any appendix to a greater life purpose. How to I cutoff the metal bonds that appear when a foreign sin occurs? I will pay dearly for that, and deeply regret the common wisdom that says that consciousness doesn’t end with the guillotine. That is why we don’t believe in the death penalty, because you are basically doing the criminal a favor by ending his suffering. No, criminals have to live, because that is the greatest pun...
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Sit down, noble Jaffarite, and ask yourself, just what are you scared of, when even the birds outside are rarely chirping? The prophet rang his city’s warning bell to tell people to heed their sins. To this end we submit a post, blessing people to feel glorified by their virtues. If making a rial for an hour’s worth of accomplishment feels great, then how much more would be a bit of praise, or attention, for a lifetimes of service? That is celestial in it’s magnificence, extraordinary in its simplicity, and melodramatic in its harmony. We said it before, and we’ll say it again: The Jaffaria is the earth, in microcosm. No office will be barred from a friendly visit by a military or police officer, no classroom out of the reach of the medic when needed. We are an infinitude of oneness, letting cats make the headlines if they seem unhappy to effectively manage their peace and assimilation. I respect you, ma’am, for you are the guardian angel of my city, your male counterpart it’s warden,...
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Technological sophistication is the privilege of the poor. What need do you have to read about new developments, if your wealth is so great that the only thing that matters to you is harmony with what is developed? Technology develops, for the spirit of youth wants activity, and nothing captures that better than innovation. Are we headed for one government on earth? Probably, because that’s what the earth’s geniuses want. We feel guilty for not writing equations. Perhaps someday that will be accomplished, the only difficulty with that is that dialogue often occurs before the chance for abstraction appears. Instagram, though, is the perfect place to publish traditional hand written papers for those who aren’t tech savvy, especially in an age where equations are still not common parlance for the man on the road. Electricity is the new gold, and we need to perfect living in an age where the mighty can be found amongst the monkeys, the humble from the robots. Goading and guiding, two dist...
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Literature is not data dense, but it is emotionally so. Reading such works is like listening to the advice of a grandmother: Yes, maybe current executive meetings don’t contains such words, but maybe wisdom trickled down in places where talk of analysis and diagrams exist would be a useful glue to an organization’s cohesion. Oh money, how we fear you! We want to live as is, but how is that possible, when the implorations of work keep us busy in a way that, guilty though it is to admit, makes us want to be slaves, even though they don’t exist in an information society? You are pregnant with honor, and that means forever concentrating on getting more from less. Will an atom one day suffice to fill all of the caloric needs of an individual? This isn’t even science fiction, but it gives you an idea of the power of communication, for what can be said, can be done. The heart though, that is a challenge, for how will life be like when we have physical control of time through a more equated u...
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One can’t help but to scratch one’s head as to just why Africa’s mineral resources aren’t being extracted more extensively. Obviously, one of the obstacles is effective power sharing, with knowledge of ethnicities only providing the tip of the overall required knowledge. Sometimes I feel that the only way a poor region can become industrialized is through communism. How else could factories be built, in a place with no money to buy them? Perhaps the global compromise in this case is to make Africa communist if china ever decides to be democratic, helping the latter be service based, and the former be industry based. The politics involved here is the balance between the services sector and the manufacturing sector, for if the world is majority communist, more products will be manufactured than can be utilized by companies and individuals, and humanity’s thirst for products is only so much. In the end, any none African thinking about Africa is effectively a colonist, but, to be brutally...
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It is painful. Sometimes reading the words of a competitor can be more harmful to your concentration than any benefits you might gain from the intelligence. Don’t forget that half of what people say is destructive, and this is especially true is you set your sights further than the person you are reading about. I am entranced with work, but where is it all leading? Let me tell you one thing. The writings of socialist academics, if you’d excuse me repeating the same word twice, is pure drivel. I prefer the impartial words of a paper written for free than the writings of a man whose financials are secure, and is only writing to make more money, or to follow protocol. Tell me, was Newton’s principia written with the purpose of turning an income? Latch, I say, latch with all your heart on writings that resonate emotionally with you, and do not be deluded into thinking that the words are meaningless just because they are free, for the word of god is free, but that doesn’t prevent us f...
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Let god in the form of dice decide for us whether writing is slowly killing us or not, for it captures and contains our emotional instability, at the price of encapsulating these moments from the rest of our life, creating a lacuna that, well, needs to be filled with water sooner or later. One of the geniuses of bitcoin is that it’s trade involves as much fractional currency as whole integers. I am not sure whether this is the most energy efficient ways of utilizing blockchain technology, through recording and storing transactional history, but it certainly feels more compact in those terms, and in terms of overall data generated. A useful expedient that follows is that these odious ever increasing zeros that appear as humanity progresses is reduced, and that is certainly an advancement of cultivation. The standard internationale of measurements should also follow suit, making sure that the basic unit of length, for example, is exactly in the middle of the range utilized by scien...
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It’s a shame, that Americans are as rare as a ruby in a rock in this part of the world. Perhaps it compromises their ideals too much to be near us, and in the end, a people are a people, independent of accent. Our life has been given a very rude halt from our attempts to achieve financial harmony purely from an investment perspective. As things have turned out, the amount we actually need to spend on products seems to exceed the amounts being invested, and if I tell myself, I don’t care, I just won’t invest, that would leave me destitute, Unfortunately, my life developed more and more to the point where I cared less and less about money, such that if ever the opportunity arises to generate some, I will halt and say to myself: Fool, you have lived in this city, driving a damaged car for many years, and have felt nothing but wealth independent peace in those times that you did feel good about yourself, so call billionaires gods or idiots, you are not one of them, and your life is one of...
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Don’t tell me it’s an insult to speak to a wall, for if speaking to men of steel is a privilege, why should this be lacking when dialoging to slabs of concrete? Quarks, even strings, you are just the beginning, for though the realities of datalism might relegate you to the realms of fantasy literature, you nevertheless will fling us to the footsteps of andromeda, once we become disturbingly close to destroying our own Milky Way with our power. That is the ironic development of life, that the possibility of reaching new shores only ever appears when the chance of destroying existing ones materializes. You can have the mind of ten Einsteins, but eventually, fear due to surreality will settle in, forcing us to take respite in medicine, and the heart, with all it’s solidarity of love. Need you two dimensional time maps to make it to another habitable planet? No matter, give us a millennium or two, and we will design them for you. I wish I could deny it, but sometimes I feel that peop...