Don’t tell me it’s an insult to speak to a wall, for if speaking to men of steel is a privilege, why should this be lacking when dialoging to slabs of concrete? Quarks, even strings, you are just the beginning, for though the realities of datalism might relegate you to the realms of fantasy literature, you nevertheless will fling us to the footsteps of andromeda, once we become disturbingly close to destroying our own Milky Way with our power. That is the ironic development of life, that the possibility of reaching new shores only ever appears when the chance of destroying existing ones materializes. You can have the mind of ten Einsteins, but eventually, fear due to surreality will settle in, forcing us to take respite in medicine, and the heart, with all it’s solidarity of love. Need you two dimensional time maps to make it to another habitable planet? No matter, give us a millennium or two, and we will design them for you. I wish I could deny it, but sometimes I feel that people who believe we will colonize mars before one or two centuries pass are disregarding the experiences of the Soviet Union.


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