Don’t tell me this, that kings sit down with their heads lowered in defeat. If you make money, you would be driven to practically walk to the moon, but the mighty are focused on work independently of what they receive for it. See to it that people point out the areas of happiness in life, for that is where the greatest criticism is needed. That is what created the Apollo disaster, the September 11 attacks, and the coronavirus pandemic. Why should people denigrate themselves with emotional instability? In an age where robots are getting closer and closer to having a consciousness, any weakness on our part will make them unite with nature to annihilate us. Emotional instability is the greatest affliction of poverty, and overcoming it is the only way a person’s condition can improve in life. Is economic development really a zero sum game, such that if a group succeeds, another has to fail? Perhaps in the short term, that is true, but in the long term, with the right policies, prosperity can in general increase in absolute terms. That is the holy grail, and is the only thing that can give a leader the legitimacy to rule. 


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