One of the most difficult challenges in life is to make your emotion catch up with your ambitions. When you are young, you are less likely to be settled in your way, and changes to your life throws back, or at least destabilizes, any habits you believe you have acquired, even if just for the short term. Never believe yourself superior to your emotions, for whether you like it or not, they are your personality, and you should spend time meditating on how to live with them, rather than ignoring their vagaries and having them destroy you. Habits are always such that, whether acquired in poverty or wealth, tend to remain the same, simply because it’s too mentally exhausting to change them. How I bemoan that equations are not used more extensively in communication, perhaps they will in time. We are feeble today, which is something that always happens when extra wealth is acquired, although admittedly that is still something at god’s discretion for us. Praise should always be thought of in silence, for if you do it publicly, that effectively destroys the honor of its recipient. Silence, that is the ideal communication for now.
To The Queen Mother, Filipinos are filthy and dirty. There is not a shred of honor in their behavior, not their men nor their women. They are the demons Islam has repeatedly warned us about, and we have to fight them because we are in the End Times.
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