It’s a shame, that Americans are as rare as a ruby in a rock in this part of the world. Perhaps it compromises their ideals too much to be near us, and in the end, a people are a people, independent of accent. Our life has been given a very rude halt from our attempts to achieve financial harmony purely from an investment perspective. As things have turned out, the amount we actually need to spend on products seems to exceed the amounts being invested, and if I tell myself, I don’t care, I just won’t invest, that would leave me destitute, Unfortunately, my life developed more and more to the point where I cared less and less about money, such that if ever the opportunity arises to generate some, I will halt and say to myself: Fool, you have lived in this city, driving a damaged car for many years, and have felt nothing but wealth independent peace in those times that you did feel good about yourself, so call billionaires gods or idiots, you are not one of them, and your life is one of promoting virtue. Convergence between ambition and habit will probably be the compromise though, and if we die destitute, at least let us stay connected.


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