Let’s face it. If a person is given wealth and a title, it is not to glorify him, but rather to curtail his power so that it is either limited or reduced in influence. A person with knowledge and communication can run the earth, and wealth is given to him to give others the chance to participate in this activity. This, of course, does not apply to us, for our pockets are shallow, and are ridden with holes. Nonetheless, we must recognize that the amount of knowledge available, so long as a single human being in a single lifetime is concerned, is infinite, meaning that the process of its acquisition should be based purely on emotional grounds, rather than anything else. Balancing out the interplay between emotions and information, that is, the emotive-information lattice, is an important condition for life management, especially after the reading, thought matrix is harmonized. Words are ammo, and your mind a gun. Use your heart, tempered by your mind, to determine what is right and wrong, for wealth can only come from God. To this end, use your meeting as an opportunity to honor yourself, letting trees know you can be a stalwart giver too.
To The Queen Mother, Filipinos are filthy and dirty. There is not a shred of honor in their behavior, not their men nor their women. They are the demons Islam has repeatedly warned us about, and we have to fight them because we are in the End Times.
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