Let’s face it, this concept of a monarchic superimpositional bicameral legislature is a much more powerful political system than a republican form of government, because the needs of the different denominations of the people is met more acutely, resulting in a doubling, or even tripling, of the output of a nation, pretty much as a reward from the efforts of the added complexity of the system. The extent to which it’s influence extends in large part depends on the will and compassion of the respective monarchs, with the consent of the people, of course. After all, a monarch is merely the medium through which the people rule. Republics, mark my words, for your days are numbered, and you are under threat of being merely the hinterlands of civilization. Yes, we admit, your system of cheques and balances, civil administration  and power sharing might be superior to that of a monarchy isolate, but with two monarchies, both ruling the same area, even though some localities might not overlap, you are toast. Work towards empowering your states, as we sip our tea looking at you from the finish line, for exhaustion will set before you reach it.


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