There is always an air of a pending visit to a death chamber whenever I write. Indeed, perhaps this time, I have really reached the end. A moral mistake makes a person suffer twice as it gets digested, once through the memory, and the other through battling the unhealthy peace that concurrently arises. Peace is our enemy, and we have fought, and still are fighting, claw and canine in order to tame it and simply feel the kind of bored engrossment that makes the repeated task of closing and opening a cupboard everyday the peak of emotional verisimilitude, without any appendix to a greater life purpose. How to I cutoff the metal bonds that appear when a foreign sin occurs? I will pay dearly for that, and deeply regret the common wisdom that says that consciousness doesn’t end with the guillotine. That is why we don’t believe in the death penalty, because you are basically doing the criminal a favor by ending his suffering. No, criminals have to live, because that is the greatest punishment that can be meted out to them. Today, both Saddam Hussein and osama bin laden are a part of the jury. Wish us luck.
To The Queen Mother, Filipinos are filthy and dirty. There is not a shred of honor in their behavior, not their men nor their women. They are the demons Islam has repeatedly warned us about, and we have to fight them because we are in the End Times.
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