Let god in the form of dice decide for us whether writing is slowly killing us or not, for it captures and contains our emotional instability, at the price of encapsulating these moments from the rest of our life, creating a lacuna that, well, needs to be filled with water sooner or later.  One of the geniuses of bitcoin is that it’s trade involves as much fractional currency as whole integers. I am not sure whether this is the most energy efficient ways of utilizing blockchain technology, through recording and storing transactional history, but it certainly feels more compact in those terms, and in terms of overall data generated. A useful expedient that follows is that these odious ever increasing zeros that appear as humanity progresses is reduced, and that is certainly an advancement of cultivation. The standard internationale of measurements should also follow suit, making sure that the basic unit of length, for example, is exactly in the middle of the range utilized by science in nature, although of course, this value will also change with time. Maybe forming a committee with respect to this matter will help.


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