I am the richest poor man in the world. Poverty is a universe, one we have never existed out of. Tattered clothes and broken cars…these are worlds in an infinite of not quites. We want to live with exactly zero wealth, but that would make us communist. Therefore, we propose a compromise, to live with one bit of wealth. Data is all that matters, and as of now, no one has given us any. This digital world, it’s almost as if the soul has been given a body, for it’s not quite ephemeral, yet it’s not substantive either. Capitalism is a human rights abuse, and digitalism is the only ideology that could capture human effort effectively. The bit, generated by voice or by typing, is the fundamental unit in such an economic system, and the wealth of a nation or community is determined by gross domestic data, or data density per square kilometer. why do you open your mouth in astonishment when the wealthiest are generating their wealth from entities that are less and less physical? It is the perfect convergence between the corporeal world and the spiritual one. Give us just one bit, and we will generate forty from it. 


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