Sometimes, a group of people feel hatred towards you merely for being alive. Don’t despair though, and have honor, for someone who repeatedly insults you is merely someone who is constantly stabbing himself. Give him time, and he will bleed himself to death. Oman is in desperate need of a papal nunciature. What good is all this passion for building military bases in the country, when a single priest will not only honor the people, but spread peace amongst them too. Pope Francis, you are my oxygen, and I can’t live without you. It is painful, when you live in a country that is so monoculturally western. The west is a very heterogenous place, to skimp on all that here in favor of a small clique starves the country, and leaves it thirsty, with no vibrancy or buzz in its cities, and is what we would like to call a Rose terror. No country has the right to claim itself to be the gateway to the west for a foreign nation, because pluralism is what is needed to make nations thrive. Let us keep on hacking and slashing, for we are undaunted by the thickness of the wall, being God’s eternal warrior.


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