Technological sophistication is the privilege of the poor. What need do you have to read about new developments, if your wealth is so great that the only thing that matters to you is harmony with what is developed? Technology develops, for the spirit of youth wants activity, and nothing captures that better than innovation. Are we headed for one government on earth? Probably, because that’s what the earth’s geniuses want. We feel guilty for not writing equations. Perhaps someday that will be accomplished, the only difficulty with that is that dialogue often occurs before the chance for abstraction appears. Instagram, though, is the perfect place to publish traditional hand written papers for those who aren’t tech savvy, especially in an age where equations are still not common parlance for the man on the road. Electricity is the new gold, and we need to perfect living in an age where the mighty can be found amongst the monkeys, the humble from the robots. Goading and guiding, two distinct activities, substantiated in one person. Do you carry a boulder? I will carry a stone, and push it to carry ten boulders.


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