
Showing posts from August, 2022


  Fie fie! If the mere possibility of making an extra cent turns our life upside down, what would happen if…but we won’t dwell there, and need to be reminded that our wealth level might stay the same after all. Our poverty lies in the fact that certainty gives us a confidence that ends up destroying it, and any blustering statement ends up causing worms to eat at our heart. It’s like quantum mechanics, that is, the more likely you believe something will end up happening, the opposite truth ends up being more real. Our life has shrunk, but is that really inferiority? A middle class man travels miles in many directions for the sake of work, leisure and chores, but a king spends most of his life within the limits of his palace. Never forget, that the greater your wealth level, the greater your restrictions in society. What liberty you are granted from this greater constriction is the ability to own more personal possessions, making it almost a matter of taste which life a person prefe...


Be warned, that the requirement for work is a necessity for staying alive, whether you have wealth or not. Sometimes the silliest things, in fact, most often exactly these things are what completely turn your day upside down, leaving in your wake waves and waves of sloppy work, simply because you could not be more stable than your employee. We are not empty, and life has given us a role that will snip at us if we don’t embrace it. It is very silly to complain that you aren’t wealthy, when all you need to do is live in the gaps offered to you in the world around you. Does it make sense to ignore everything, and just give money? That, once before, has led to boredom, which lets us believe that we have to live in the world as it is limited to us. You terrorist, concentration is the only thing that gives life bubbliness. Fight the peace that cats always look like they are feeling whenever they are living, because a person suffering is not a simple right. If you feel like you are sinking w...


  Gaga googoo, need I say more to summarize Arthur Schopenhauer’s works? Heaven’s fire is beckoning us to pick up a tablet and start reading, but I would like to say that the world of adults is just too complicated. You might sound smart if you say sophisticated words to your neighbor, but the truth of the matter is that these very words reduce the intelligence of your baby son or daughter. Let us, to this purpose, suggest the creation of the pedomanager, someone who gets paid a managerial salary in order to be bossed around by children, because that is what they need in order to build space stations. What is the age group of our audience? If you go out, that is generally determined by the youngest person in the group, but if you are writing on the Internet I suppose the best always assume they are writing to someone who is their own age, for the mind only understands itself best. Hey genius, your thoughts are always filtered by the person nearest to you, for women not only have th...


My signature, along with the words Jaffari Rial and a number, is what gives currency value.


Sometimes I feel that Americans only buy Saudi oil because they want to practice incest with each other, as this is what bigamy promotes. However, we cannot change laws, and our current purpose lies now in recruiting as much people as possible for our cause. Using the Omani rial might make ten thousand people wealthy, but it starves forty million. I want to reserve bragging rights for the possibility of fighting every emir in the Middle East. What is the point, I ask them, of not eating pork if you behave like swines yourself? Bigamist women largely prefer their genitals over a gun, which gives us an advantage. I suppose one can say that the Arabic we speak is vulgar Arabic, which we feel is more disciplined that Classical Arabic, even though it has fewer rules. The fate of my nation lies in the creation of the Jaffari rial, which of course is a cryptocurrency. It’s saddening, that lab coats are rarely seen in the desert. If that changes, maybe houses will become more beautiful, and e...


  We are dying to develop the caliphate’s financial system, but the problem is that it is impossible to both be a programmer and a metagrammer, collaboration being required to accomplish division of work. One can’t help but feel that bitcoin will just end up being a dead fiat currency once the total number of bitcoins have been mined, and it is a shame that satoshi did not lattice his finances better. Never read about a topic that needs large investments for you to apply innovation on, because most people don’t have money to deal with anyway. In this day and age, factories are better of being defended by the police, and data centers by soldiers. It’s depressing that sometimes doing nothing makes you lose money to former commitments that require great moral initiative to terminate, but who can enter a war zone if there is no food there, and all his needs are met in his neighborhood? You little genius, that is what makes you so beautiful, although it is discourteous to have a Socrati...


There is a great buzz amongst the Muslims, as they wonder who will end up being the caliph’s girlfriend. This is nothing new in the religious world, for the popes have had them aplenty. Honestly, these days an aeramenist, that is, a woman with bronze skin, has taken the place of the circassian as the prized woman for the elite. Forgive my misogyny, but pride forces us to criticize those who will benefit most from wealth. Women always use their bodies as a weapon, and we can’t ban them that, for they have a right to defend themselves. We have used our own informational weapons, but now we have to be skilled in the use of a shield, and if we ever get cut, let it be through a slash at our bag of chips! Do you know why rich men dance with women? Because it’s riskier than walking in Syria. My body traits are the exact opposite of beauty, leaving me with the two options of either making everybody look like me, or compensating for it with my loquatiousness. Everybody wealthier then me will sw...


Just as there is a water cycle on this earth, so there is an oil cycle. In fact, for nature to function correctly, it is controversial not to believe that there is as much oil underground as there is water on the surface of the earth. Why, then, does nobody believe this? Historically, humanity hasn’t penetrated the earth as much as it has penetrated the skies, and the deepest points on the surface of the earth are harder to get to than the highest points. Claiming that solar power is the solution to the carbon polluting going on is dangerous, because we haven’t yet studied the effects of a reduced exposure, which is obviously also harmful if done in excess. Mixing two different systems in an unstudied manner will destroy the earth, so see to it that neither substance is valued more than the other. Oil is the tabernacle of the uninitiated priest, but calling it holier than it really is neglects the fact that you can neither sleep in it nor work more than half the time in it. The opposit...


  The United Nations intelligence agency needs to be seriously strengthened, and this is because the CIA behaves more like a cult than a responsible policing enforcer so far as international operations are dealt with. Nuclear weapons are as important for the nourishment of humanity as lightning is for the nourishment of soil, and one detonation per century is crucial to minimize the overall deaths that would otherwise occur, as conventional warfare will only end up being more and more devastating. 8:15am, 6/8/2045, on dhammam, perhaps as United Nations security council resolution number 2701. It is an interesting thought, if an android is built with his brain connected to the internet, and therefore all the world’s information, would that make him god? But don’t ever forget, that dogs are superior to robots, even from a practical perspective, although we should give each their importance. There have to be more people wishing me dead than any other human being on earth. If that is n...


Maybe Israel should make the west bank a separate country, and call it Judah. Of course, this is inevitable history, and the main choke point here is how closely it relates to the historic boundaries of the ancient kingdoms. We can’t develop things further than this for now, but it’s food for innovation…Anyway, thinking about inflation is something that is very necessary, and only a fool believes that his actions don’t affect it for better or worse. Buying expensive items is almost always harmful for an economy, especially if the product isn’t locally produced. That is why we should all aim to live as humbly as health considerations will allow, compromising the economy with luxury or the acquisition of wealth only if it is accomplished to a degree lesser than the degree to which the economy is getting stronger. The informationalist is equally the most important force in the country with the capitalist, perhaps just an inch more needed, because if he isn’t around to give people inspirat...


It stretches one’s imagination to believe that Africa isn’t the most beautiful nation or continent on earth. It is simply sun freezing at how much potential the african people have, but we must take the issue with honesty, remembering that, if they rule over us, we will have to see each other as equals sooner or later. The right honorable yair lapid is the sapphire of Israel, and here in Arabia we settle peacefully as he covers his soft blanket over the arab league with his observant gaze. I hope dear sir, that you reserve as much steel for bullets as you do for bone replacements, for you are the Joseph Biden of Western Asia, but I will criticize you often, as a steady gaze is what you need.  It is often the greatest representative of an ideology who deny being practitioners of it, because it is also true that people almost exclusively praise what they don’t possess themselves. The emotional pistols are pointed to my head, and I feel like the prophet mohammed, except instead of be...


Nothing would free up working hands more than the mechanization of child rearing. I’m sorry, I’ll move on to another topic. His Majesty Moulay Hassan of Morocco should aim to own more than 330,000 hectares of land in France, that he may be that country’s commander in chief. Things are not sorted out completely, for the deconquista of Europe requires the Arab world to be politically settled and morally stable. Currently, only two countries fit that bill. I really believed that the crown estate was the most worthless economic entity on earth, but that title goes equally to the federal government. The federal government, of course, has prestige, and the president’s power largely derives from its extensive land holdings, making him arguably the most powerful worthless person on earth. But there is interlocking in this issue, for what’s worse than being president is being an American commoner, owning corporations but no land whatsoever. You are worthless if you don’t own land, and any effor...


Forgive me, England. For though it is an honor to see you being in love with yourself, a new birth always begins with tears. The weekend that I might spend in your land will tear me apart, but there is no choice in that, for such is your desire for a reawakening. We will have a childlike attention to your performance, for it is not the monarch who engages in these activities, but the people, on whom the limelight of civilization will always shine. The attention you bestow upon me makes my heart want to leap with fear, but only god is ever ignored. No matter, for being given attention is a patriotic duty, because it makes you the leaders of knowledge, the beacons of rocketry. Put your hand gently on the book, for it is the symbol of an age long gone, a time when labor went hand in hand with worship. The Romans respected their people so much, that they created a pantheon of gods to represent them with. We need to keep that in mind as we substitute Hephaestus for methuselah, and so on, r...


I will keep on saying this. The people you end up serving the most are the people who insult you the most. There really is no escaping this, they kicked me out of their country and almost annihilated my consciousness for all eternity. And what is my reaction to them? I will double their gdp. I am not doing this because I think they are great, but because my wealth level, and family connections doesn’t permit for me anything else. I thought my time was glorious, when I could just weave a career from data, but the truth of the matter is that I am not living in Greenland, where owning land is so hopelessly meaningless that being an informationalist is the only path to prestige. Of course, things are halfway there in America, but I bore. England, your land is too precious to be ignored, and you haven’t yet reached the industrial density to warrant a burgeoning informational technology ecosystem. I refuse to weep uncontrollably for your lost century; all I can do now is work for the next o...


Lower do we our head. What purpose is there in going to meet ten different people, if your source of contentment is associated only with one? Let this be our strategy, that we do not leave the home for a second unless it’s for something absolutely necessary. If people want entertainment, let them visit us. I hate to admit it, but what Jesus said is right, that all you need to do is be moral and serious, and almighty Gid will shower his benevolence on you. Obviously, that is not the only story, though, for if you spend more money than your servants, then that will lead to moral deterioration. Similarly so, if you give more tasks than you can afford to pay for, then you will end up with no property. Do as much as is reasonably possible yourself, eschewing being served tea and coffee in favor of brewing them yourself, while recognizing that it is pretty much impossible to be completely self-sufficient in terms of personal labor. We wonder what the purpose of traveling is. Maybe we are jus...


Be wary, for a person who only owns a company is a mere commoner, having all his efforts evaporate, sometimes before he dies, sometimes a little bit after. Corporations add to former methods of wealth, rather than render them obsolete. My entire life, I have been forced to scuttle from one place to another, largely because I didn’t own anything. I still don’t really own anything in it’s entirety, but I have been fully entitled with the responsibility of management, or at least work. Leaving your property is always harmful, because your responsibility lies towards your employees, your servants. How can you possibly beknight them, if you are not constantly around to moderate your behavior? I cannot override my family’s rights, and, they have extraordinary permissions to use all facilities in our properties, of which, when they do, I can’t involve myself with, since you can’t have two people drive one car at the same time. If things are ever organized such that their entry into the proper...


The general rule is this. If giving someone money makes them happy, don’t give them anything, and if the service or product is necessary, reduce the intended payment amount. It is human nature, for a person who has a regular customer will keep on increasing the prices to that customer until a 100% transfer of wealth occurs, which is really just another way of killing yourself. Of course, this isn’t the only warning sign. The other is if the employee you are dealing with starts wearing expensive clothes, or changes prices beyond inflation requirements. Competition is necessary. Not just that, but knowledge too, for two competitors will work to swindle you anyway if you are not savvy or aware about their industry, and it’s better to establish relationships with competitors early so that price hikes don’t end up becoming an industry standard before you can do anything about it. A service provider is always a beggar, and when he starts developing thoughts of world domination, just shop som...


It is absolutely paramount for inter-nation harmony that the two political and trading blocs of south america and the middle east develop of forum for the exchange of all that is munificent under the sun. It is a sad state of affairs, that south americans are rarely seen in this region, that the might of such a historical region is being overshadowed by nations that focus locals time and effort not just on serving, but on committing crimes as well. Better off, I say, to develop positive relations with two different continents than a positive and negative relation with one. We developed independently of one another for so long, both building monumental pyramids that are a source of awe for any child making his first educational trip. The similarity, though, is not perfect, and the differences in detail, when discussed and pondered upon, as symbolic of the differently hued cultures, is an jeweled cauldron for mistake improvement and the opportunity to obtain greater insight into the diff...


  I speak English like a homeless omani beggar. In fact, the better your English, the more like one you speak. I have twelve years of injections behind be to prove this axiom. If you succeed in life, 49% of your actions will be mistakes, and I refuse to be convinced that the emotional sting will reduce longitudinally with time. Sometimes, if you are near a woman, your option is either you hurt her feelings, or she swears at you. Of course, the ideal sequence would be that you hurt her feelings after she swears at you, but in reality, the opposite is more often true. To borrow a quote from Oliver Twist, I will eat my own head if the omani parliament doesn’t end up being 50% foreign born. Of course, for our company, 25% of our sales will be foreign, but our interaction will be 50% so. This is because a third of Omani people are foreign, or at least ideally so. You will end up increasing the wealth of every single human being who has insulted you. This is necessary for datalistically ...


  It doesn’t really take a genius to figure out that christians like dogs more than they like Muslims. But let me tell you one thing, thinking near a christian is pretty much impossible for more than one hour a day, and eating near one is the next worst thing you can do to drinking wine. There is no culture of work near them, and everything they say is an insult. A poor man is a universe unto himself, and when you dine with him, you feel that you are literally a part of his consciousness. We give up on our ambitions of spending money. If ever pressured to spend, we will just give the money to charity, because I value people who provide me with peace more than people who make me suffer. A person who has financial security is a walking cesspit, vomiting out imprecations because he believes that, being the stupid capitalist that he is, an asset is enough to fill your belly even if god gives them what they deserve and fills their bellies with live worms. A informationalist is constantl...


Let this be the economic makeup of the caliphate, and therefore the world’s Muslims. Fifty percent digitalist, 47.5% capitalist, and 2.5% communist. Some people might object to 2.5 percent being more than what is actually needed, but the extra amount is as necessary for construction as a food surplus is for agriculture, garnering us a greater respectability, and providing an industrial buffer, while, if not adding wealth, then at least not compromising it. It is my dream that every Muslim family on earth will one day own a motorbike, this being the final accomplishment of the current era. It is a datalistic tautology to say that Muslims will own sevent five percent of the land mass on earth, so forgive me for stating the obvious. Let the remainder of humanity live in what’s left, or consider colonizing the oceans. A challenge we should face is just who constructs or provides what and in which state, but one thing is clear, that it will be almost impossible for us to manufacture a jumbo...


Given that we are now Daesh’s leader, we hereby urge their fighters to focus their operations on Qatar, Bahrain and Kuwait, for what threats these countries pose to the safety and security of Muslims worldwide. As for international operations, if there are any fighters remaining, we should use force to promote law and order in Eswatini and Utah, for these are melting pots of Christian terrorism, and killing these terrorists is legally required to promote the development of technology and to safeguard the world’s knowledge. Daesh derives it’s moral authority from our virtue, but if we ever get married, which is quantumly impossible over the next seventeen years, the Americans will have vengeance, and their vengeance will be big: they will bomb the Kaaba, thus heralding the end of the first Kaaba period of Muslim history. Horror and ignominy, it is true, but the mufti will exhort and preach to the people, reminding them that, though the Kaaba is now gone, it will now be replaced with so...


  Are you okay? We need many Al-Qaeda emirs, specifically one for each governorate in the eastern province and Yemen with a population between 100,000 and 1,000,000. For large populations, we need sultans, and for lower, we need sheikhs. Let this be the religious division amongst my nobles: The sultans will be Shia, the emirs Sunni, and the sheikhs Ibadhi. These British military installations in the Jaffaria are the butt end of an international joke, useful only for talking about just before you have a fart, and are a prime example of the conspicuous consumption and irrational exuberance of the British military.   I know that think British think of us as British Arabia, considering it their last stronghold after the demise of British India, weakening us through their snide, hateful pro-bigamist policies. We won’t kill you, for you are like teddy bears for us, and it’s silly and wasteful to tear a teddy bear’s arm. Mark my words, the Jaffaria will get it’s B-2 bomber before you...


What we should now try and do is not the impossible, which is easily accomplished, but the unimaginable. These superinfinities of awareness, that make life as mysterious to us as death. Teenager, your pimple is my citadel, which I will rest on and find comfort in for both good times and bad. You might not realize it as you grow, but one day you will find in your heartache their reflections in the civil wars of your time, letting your triumphs, if you fight your battles well, find their success in the peace of foreign lands. Those who mock you are in power, but they haven’t tasted the scent of steel, nor the sufferings of a bullet wound. You were put on this earth to carry the earth on your shoulders, and I won’t lie to you: one day, you will be wealthier than me. I lower my head in shame if you feel envy towards me for some forty years, but be patient. You want me to say more than I can, but how can I pay you to listen, if silence does not deafen your ears? Our room is too big, but yo...


  Administration woes hound us. Children are mighty beings, and their administration of the ins and outs of life starts with their first breaths. If babies cry now when they are born, does that mean that they used to chortle in the Middle Ages, during the Black Death? Women in general are given far more space in public than they actually need, but it’s a tough challenge, knowing whether you should be closer to men or risk having more space for yourself by being closer to a woman. Muslims in general value silver hair more than they do golden, for it is more halal. I can’t take this anymore, for passion should only be utilized, but never described. Play the music, for the battlefield is in need of dancers, although we will stop being too martial about life. Dictator is a word that is extremely powerful, but unfortunately it’s reputation has been utterly destroyed, it’s meaning being more honorable than it’s implications. I’m sorry, but the scientific truth of some words forces me to ...


  Gid only knows how Warren Buffett’s rule of Oman through occidental petroleum will be like. Clearly, there is now a serious threat of being punished for lese majeste, but in some ways, history is repeating itself, for just as he was all but forgotten in the late nineties, so he is being ignored in the early twenties. But that old bear won’t concede defeat to azrael until the laurel wreath once again rests its leaves on Berkshire Hathaway's headquarters. I feel hurt, for the lore regarding galaxism is not as well developed as it should be, and people don’t have a culture, or emotional history to sink in when thinking of it. It is my identity to the world, and I want no world leader to ever meet me without believing firstly and foremostly that that is what I am, and is the source of my morality. A life filled with experiences forgoes the necessity of reading, but no dream can ever be realized with securing the trust of your own work. We have no thoughts, because hours and hours of ...


  I bought an iPhone today, and I feel pure horror for having done so. I want to flick my own ear, and   ask myself what am I doing buying a product that not every Omani can own. It is painful, when connecting to your family means disconnecting from your people, for every bit of pain my compatriots feel will return to me a thousand times over. Unfortunately, getting information is not as cheap as getting food, and, though I want to lash myself every time I buy something expensive, these items I get are the property of my nation, not my personal items, for I use them to glorify the pattern on the hats of the desert dwellers, and to imbue the barren land with information, for that is the first ingredient that is required to make it lush, before the water, before the soil. Omana, how could I ever leave you, if the sweet silage of your trees doesn’t follow me? Call you them Omanis? Nay, they are Omanons, and have been such for two thousand years. Glory comes from satisfying your c...


  Lifting our finger with weakness, we say to you: why make us deteriorate in our tongue, when our hand tells us that you can’t push a people further than their anthropological history allows? If half our words brings people closer to us, the other half does the exact opposite. I want to scrape the floors of the Kaaba with a sponge, for keeping it clean is the only way galaxists will learn that respecting symbols is respecting planets. Gid almighty, hold sway over people, for people grant me nothing other than a jester’s hat, but I will say that I will convert it to a sign for authority, for it is better than nothing. The symphony of the countries is playing, and the audience are moving their finger vigorously vying for the right to be the conductor. Ants are far beyond a human being’s comprehension, but maybe with mammals we can make a start. Let the judges carry gavels not just in the court room, but in crab shacks as well, for Justice deserves to be rewarded. Flex your biceps, f...


How do you expect me to perform well, when you haven’t given me time to study? Just like king David, we are also a worm, eating information and excreting innovation. You are my judge, who doesn’t know that I exist. If I perform well in my defense, you will be aware of my existence, and if not, then I will remain in the prison of anonymity, being forced to busy myself with the good behavior of gathering knowledge before the next judgement arrives. Heaven is not really a concept that we can understand, but being a good galaxist means we have to build it anyway, for no human being can understand Gid’s mind in its entirety, but what parcels we do understand, we have to use as an initiative for work. I suppose we are half the way towards reality when we consider manipulating time, but what would be really great is if we invent new terminology for it, ideally, in a full life, every minute feels like a day, and no idleness is accomplished where your hours end without you having even thought a...