Fie fie! If the mere possibility of making an extra cent turns our life upside down, what would happen if…but we won’t dwell there, and need to be reminded that our wealth level might stay the same after all. Our poverty lies in the fact that certainty gives us a confidence that ends up destroying it, and any blustering statement ends up causing worms to eat at our heart. It’s like quantum mechanics, that is, the more likely you believe something will end up happening, the opposite truth ends up being more real. Our life has shrunk, but is that really inferiority? A middle class man travels miles in many directions for the sake of work, leisure and chores, but a king spends most of his life within the limits of his palace. Never forget, that the greater your wealth level, the greater your restrictions in society. What liberty you are granted from this greater constriction is the ability to own more personal possessions, making it almost a matter of taste which life a person prefe...