There is a great buzz amongst the Muslims, as they wonder who will end up being the caliph’s girlfriend. This is nothing new in the religious world, for the popes have had them aplenty. Honestly, these days an aeramenist, that is, a woman with bronze skin, has taken the place of the circassian as the prized woman for the elite. Forgive my misogyny, but pride forces us to criticize those who will benefit most from wealth. Women always use their bodies as a weapon, and we can’t ban them that, for they have a right to defend themselves. We have used our own informational weapons, but now we have to be skilled in the use of a shield, and if we ever get cut, let it be through a slash at our bag of chips! Do you know why rich men dance with women? Because it’s riskier than walking in Syria. My body traits are the exact opposite of beauty, leaving me with the two options of either making everybody look like me, or compensating for it with my loquatiousness. Everybody wealthier then me will swear at me if I make an advance towards them, so I will stick to that poodle with the scarred skin; soul cannot be judged by how it looks.
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