
 Lifting our finger with weakness, we say to you: why make us deteriorate in our tongue, when our hand tells us that you can’t push a people further than their anthropological history allows? If half our words brings people closer to us, the other half does the exact opposite. I want to scrape the floors of the Kaaba with a sponge, for keeping it clean is the only way galaxists will learn that respecting symbols is respecting planets. Gid almighty, hold sway over people, for people grant me nothing other than a jester’s hat, but I will say that I will convert it to a sign for authority, for it is better than nothing. The symphony of the countries is playing, and the audience are moving their finger vigorously vying for the right to be the conductor. Ants are far beyond a human being’s comprehension, but maybe with mammals we can make a start. Let the judges carry gavels not just in the court room, but in crab shacks as well, for Justice deserves to be rewarded. Flex your biceps, for your son is in need of attention, and there is no better way to encourage him to build a metropolis.  This is our performance, we will now stitch the processor.


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