
How do you expect me to perform well, when you haven’t given me time to study? Just like king David, we are also a worm, eating information and excreting innovation. You are my judge, who doesn’t know that I exist. If I perform well in my defense, you will be aware of my existence, and if not, then I will remain in the prison of anonymity, being forced to busy myself with the good behavior of gathering knowledge before the next judgement arrives. Heaven is not really a concept that we can understand, but being a good galaxist means we have to build it anyway, for no human being can understand Gid’s mind in its entirety, but what parcels we do understand, we have to use as an initiative for work. I suppose we are half the way towards reality when we consider manipulating time, but what would be really great is if we invent new terminology for it, ideally, in a full life, every minute feels like a day, and no idleness is accomplished where your hours end without you having even thought a minute about them. It is burdensome to plan your life to death, but a schedule can eke out a good dosage of peace from inactivity.


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