We are dying to develop the caliphate’s financial system, but the problem is that it is impossible to both be a programmer and a metagrammer, collaboration being required to accomplish division of work. One can’t help but feel that bitcoin will just end up being a dead fiat currency once the total number of bitcoins have been mined, and it is a shame that satoshi did not lattice his finances better. Never read about a topic that needs large investments for you to apply innovation on, because most people don’t have money to deal with anyway. In this day and age, factories are better of being defended by the police, and data centers by soldiers. It’s depressing that sometimes doing nothing makes you lose money to former commitments that require great moral initiative to terminate, but who can enter a war zone if there is no food there, and all his needs are met in his neighborhood? You little genius, that is what makes you so beautiful, although it is discourteous to have a Socratic temptation towards young boys, for the hemlock is still thriving among the willows of the earth.
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