
It is absolutely paramount for inter-nation harmony that the two political and trading blocs of south america and the middle east develop of forum for the exchange of all that is munificent under the sun. It is a sad state of affairs, that south americans are rarely seen in this region, that the might of such a historical region is being overshadowed by nations that focus locals time and effort not just on serving, but on committing crimes as well. Better off, I say, to develop positive relations with two different continents than a positive and negative relation with one. We developed independently of one another for so long, both building monumental pyramids that are a source of awe for any child making his first educational trip. The similarity, though, is not perfect, and the differences in detail, when discussed and pondered upon, as symbolic of the differently hued cultures, is an jeweled cauldron for mistake improvement and the opportunity to obtain greater insight into the differences and similarities of religion. Let’s make a gentle step of trepidation towards one another, slipping a quick comment before retreating, and then watching.  


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