
 It is very unpleasant when you hit a wall, only to find out that a pen has sworn at all your tenants. Swim upstairs, because the sky needs a house. Sweets are like little statues, which you eat if you want to make your parents suffer. You are worthless, because you already believe your teacher. Fail a test, because that will stop you from feeling bored. Birds are geniuses, because they make us work, letting us actually believe that it’s dogs that serve us. A leather book is good for sleeping on, a paper one for sitting on. Behave smart in front of everyone, so that you can be stupid in your spare time. Be lazy, because everybody wants to be wealthy. If you want to die, make sure you buy the softest pillow first. If you wave to strangers, they will swear at you. Only two people crawl in this life, babies and soldiers. Use complicated words if you want someone to hear your voice, but not what you are saying. 


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