There is nothing more frustrating than talking to someone who is smarter than you, nor anything more boring than communicating with someone who is stupider. I know there are many a young person out there who is smarter than me, such that conversation with them will either make me burdened or make me want to bash my head in the wall at the sheer impossibility of being a part of their lifeworld. There is an ideal amount of oscillation between intelligence and stupidity in a conversation, the comfort level being when either the two people are of roughly the same intelligence level, or that their areas of expertise overlap, with an amount of fifty percent being ideal. I want to apologize for not being smarter, and curse you if you want to make me dumber. Knowledge must be gathered slowly, and for some people, I am no different than a child learning to take his first steps, for if you rush me, I will just sit down and do nothing. Programming as a body of knowledge is simply too advanced for me at this point in my life. I can read snippets a few times per day for a few minutes, but I get distracted to other bodies of knowledge often.


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