I feel defeated, for the erroneous desire to be lazy has caused repercussions to our life that has taken a bit of time to recover from. It is impossible to be focused without a good dose of information being obtained throughout the course of the day. I don’t know what happens when a person reads, and even though perhaps ninety if not ninety nine percent or what is read is never recommunicated, it nevertheless provides an injection of variability to what is told. The problem here lies in the fact that we are responsible not just for our mind, but for our body as well. It is pretty much impossible to work effectively, if at all, if you don’t do physical exercise, and even, if by some long shot, you do manage to work, the severely curtailed lifespan will reduce your total output to unpleasant levels. The body is a corporation, replete with managers, administrators, and executives. Serve it well, and your conscience will actually support you when you want to be productive. Athletes, you are the prophets of your professions, so see to it that you are looked up to, that the health of the nation may flourish. 


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