
My dearest Jews, great as the honor is to have you as our neighbor, you must nevertheless set your sights on a second Jewish state, if not in America, then in the middle west, which is a more appropriate term for Eastern Europe. Perhaps even auschwitz can be turned into a center of great Jewish learning, but that is going ahead of ourselves. Let us not lie to ourselves, for the simple fact of the matter is that the Second World War was the forth Roman Jewish war, perhaps the final one before, or indeed the requirement of, the third temple period. I might not be able to see you with me eyes, but I can feel you with my emotions, and I am going to compete with book and candle, with cloak and atom, to vie for the privilege of being the closest gentile to being a Jew on this earth. If evangelical judaism is against your religion, won’t you at least consider setting up a society of Moses? We are not an illui, but we hope that our words might still shine a beacon to the west. Israelis are the soldiers of humanity, and the Jews are their lungs. I will respect you, because that is a survivalist necessity for anyone claiming to be a scientist.


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