
It’s saddening, that there are more demons walking in england today than there are people. Nothing can be done, for vile behavior is seen as a virtue. But let us leave that aside. People feed on weakness, and if you show any, they will eat it like a cockroach devouring faeces. I am not perfect, and not only am I not perfect, but providence sometimes forces situations on me that compromise my honor, forcing me to heave catapults just to reach the status quo. The categorical imperative is really our only ally, our only weapon, against all the iniquity around us. Don’t be frustrated that those who hurt you will never be punished for it; they will vanish from your life, and that is all that’s needed. We can neither look towards the lofty aspects of life nor can we denigrate ourselves to the sleazy. All we have is knowledge, to recreate reality as it once was. You might claim that it’s useless to revive a dead language, but let me ask you, is not the majority of science composed of languages spoken at a time when half of the world’s population did not even have shoes to wear? Let virtue be our shield, and honor our sword.


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