
 If there is one word to describe our religious beliefs, that word would be Galaxism. Ethnically, we are muslim, but there is not much about our belief system that is truly ethnic, necessitating the creation of the new word. The fact that we both believe in a god of the black hole and in fractional gods makes us a diaphistic galaxist, although perhaps that statement is too general for practical application of our religion in all its nuances. For communication to be effective, any thought you get has to be expressed or written after going through a period of fermentation in your brain, which might take days, but can take months, or even years for the deepest convictions. You won’t like me saying this, but the longer the fermentation process, the more powerful the statement, even if it seems like a simple declaration. People who believe that thinking isn’t a social activity suffer from mental illness. You are studying people, and are forming, or trying to form, connections between them and everything they interact with, which makes cogitation the purest form of social interaction. The concern here is in excessive socializing, that is, thinking.


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