
 There is no end to activity, and we should never forget that the fruits of our labor is not the only reason we work, for the other reason is working for its own sake, because it’s healthy for us, and exercises our mind and body. Dearest westerners, we aren’t on the same page, and you have your own ruler, but could we at least agree that, when suffering is had, that such an individual should be favored? I don’t know why you keep on insulting me, perhaps you think of me as subhuman, but I will fight you, letting you cut no corner without having a sword await you whenever you falter, intentionally or not. That will strengthen you, and hating me for it will only have you end up being killed. I truly believe that communism is good for countries that don’t have wealth, for if there aren’t any products in a country, capitalism simply won’t succeed, because trade is not possible. But capitalism is a stepping stone towards digitalism, in a society where everybody’s financial needs are met, and the struggle becomes one for emotional peace, rather than financial security, although obviously there is no emotional peace if there is no wealth, just as there can’t be wealth without workers.


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