
 We are technology’s servant, but sometimes wonder whether habits, such as the constant shuttling back and forth in a mode of transportation, is actually a hindrance. It takes just one emotional connection to be satisfied. That is the starting point, after which any experience is a lesson. The purpose of this life is to determine the habits that you would like to live with for all eternity. Poverty might force changes, but otherwise, do what you can to be as all encompassing as possible. Law courts have yet to go online. We haven’t yet read on them, but they are always the institutions that are most resist to developmental change, independent of the corpus of rulings. It’s saddening just how uneducated we are, that no matter what we read there will always be a group of people whose body of knowledge is greater than ours. If we don’t read in order to maximize our pleasure, then we read in order to minimize our pain, which is the inevitable consequence of a life with no set routine. Methuselah, your branches are kindness to the ants, would you not extend one a little longer for me?


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