
Silly me. Need I say that what is ideal is our competitor? We can’t know now what we might or will end up creating, but we will apply our thought to what is considered perfect, because that is the only way that we can fight towards improving it. Tell me, why is it that some people generate great wealth from small companies? We hesitate to ever be of superior reputation to our company, and if we succeed, let our company succeed in kind. Our chores weigh down on us, and shackle our mind. It’s time for shoes to be built with electronic circuits, for we are living in the silicon age, which hearkened the end of the Iron Age, or at least that makes sense to us, since each age has to have a product associated with it. Such epochal organization needs to be harmonized. I want to eat my knuckles every time I see a woman, but given their heightened productivity contributions in the workplace, I will concede to offices with 40% women, letting that be the average. Swearing at someone might make him want to kill you, but if he doesn’t, he will be wealthy, so let us continue this social philanthropy.


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