
Suppose that writing hastens someone’s death, does that mean we should stop? The categorical imperative forces us to do what is honorable, and we can’t just idle around when peace is pretty much sticking a gun to our heads. Inheritance bureaucracy is deadly, and leaves us feeling that we will inherit exactly zero, which I suppose is what some people would call just. We think ourselves so important, but the brutal fact is that our reality seems to consist more of chores, daily, one after another, than anything else. How can we possibly run a kingdom, let alone a company or humanity, if we have to wait hours in line just to get one task done out of the hundreds that await us? We are ruling with a scepter made of water, a crown of sand. Just about the only thing we can take pride in is for having lived with gut wrenching poverty for so long. How do you expect us not to analyze ourselves, when not even the ants acknowledge our existence? We have to do that, because we need to give a moral justification for something that grants us a consciousness that is even inferior to that of drinking water in a bad day.


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