
The muslims should both invade and colonize Europe. As things currently stand, Europe is facing a long and slow decline that has resulted in America gaining a supremacy over it. I can’t say a scientific untruth, and therefore am forced to say that a firm muslim hand over administrative matters there would give the continent a competitive edge over America, instead of the other way round. The pope could and should go to catholic majority Rhode Island, leaving Rome free to be the capital of the new caliphate. This mission is one of sacrifice, and compassion, for vice is destroying the west daily, and the constant bowing that the christians will receive from muslims will verily make them believe in the second coming of christ, unifying them in a region where hardly two wise people speak the same language. Under islam, the informational revolution will thrive, casting shame on anybody who believes that only the Americans truly know how the internet and machine functions. As we cross the Euphrates, we will repeat what has hitherto only been said in the west: The die has been cast.  


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