
Forgive me, your feminine grace, I did not mean to disturb you contentment. Changes in one’s life are always disruptive, and if you feel you are getting an additional peace because of a change, you are wrong, for the deeper the peace that you feel, the more painful is any disruption to it. How much time should one spend reading about family history? It is dangerous, for our hearts are rarely as connected to one’s blood relations as they are to complete strangers. Stick to what is tried and tested, and if you change the content of your readings, make sure you don’t change your emotions with them. Are tribes important? I can’t help but see misery in the eyes of the member of every other tribe if I try to glorify my own, which is perhaps why the nation state is a more enduring form of social organization, or at least is a more advanced one. A weak life invites flies to flutter around one’s head. That might be so, but at the very least, I will work on strengthening those flies, for they are all I will have with me this afternoon, for the trough of sloth, of which I am guilty of, has rendered me inactive. 


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