
Let me clarify this misunderstanding that many people seem to have: if you don’t look the way most people look like, then you are ugly. That makes a big nose as repulsive as a small one, no embellishments as disgusting as severe acne. These arrogant women, who think that having the right face justifies them to eat even vomit with impunity, are the poor, the destitute, and the filthy people of the future. You are doing god’s work if you insult a women who let’s you judge her by the way she looks. I know, it is depressing to have to live in a world where such horrific fecal beings exist, but that is god’s punishment for us, for whether we like it or not, demons exist, and though we might be able to reduce their numbers, eradicating them entirely is a challenge. Oy, picking up garbage is an honor you half to spend half your life fighting for the right to practice, and if you grovel, expect to be spat in the face to boot. You freak, don’t talk to me, and if you even don’t breathe, I will consider it as a sign that the people will…but enough of that. I am sorry, but I mean what I say. 


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