
Are we missing out on life, for not writing equations? It’s seems an inevitable consequence of scientific capitalism, that one day equations will be copyrighted, and that nobody can use one invented by a person without paying royalties. I don’t know why, up to now, science has been almost an exclusively socialistic enterprise. This severely compromises its potency, and reduces the general public’s interest in developing it. We don’t know what the ideal interplay is between new definitions being created and new symbols being constructed. Abstracting life too much from the physical world can be damaging. At the same time, defining everything based exclusively on what has been created in the past is also a form of retrogression. If you speak in terms of equations and purely in terms of equations, your efficacy will be no different from someone who just uses words, for in the end, repetition will always mend any form of communication to a conversational style, whether that is utilizing mathematics or lines of code. The new paradigm, in this age, is the metagrammer, who build products that have innovation as their constituents.


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