
Do not fall for the trap of focusing too much on one nation or people, but instead focus on the lives of those who suffer the most. Of what good is it to me if a highly accomplished man thinks of me, or knows me? That neither helps him, nor helps me. But then again, buildings of gold often conceal great sorrow within their walls, so we must balance between everyone. No matter how much attention we clamor for, we will not be able to get the attention of more than a clutchful of people at any given point in time, making lofty nationalistic compassion deteriorate into meaningless personal relationships. What makes a world leader? A world leader is someone who makes famous those who are obscure, who glorifies those at the time that suicide from despair threatens to steal their life. Forgive me, for being angry that I am a stranger to you. For there is an aphorism for every reality, and, being from a small country, it is a privilege to constantly think about people who have never heard of either me or my people. There is only so much attention that can be granted. Save it for those in power. 


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