
We are tapping our feet waiting for the time for when America becomes an empire. For that to happen, an American has to have the blood of all the native Indian tribes in him. But such a belief is psychotic, relegated to only the imagination of a fiction writer. I don’t mean to insult programmers, nor to undermine their importance, but it is just very difficult to concentrate on a profession that is not as all encompassing of reality as others that are available. Perhaps one day programmers will succeed in creating an alternative universe, but if they do their work really well, all that will happen is that the virtual world will become the real one, and vice versa, leaving us where we started. Thus, ideally, we should live only half the time in each universe. Arabia, are you really just a vassal region? Currently yes, but we aim to establish a kingdom that stands on its own two feet, hiding hands in sleeves for no one. Maybe it makes sense for Californians to be stereotyped as technology CEOs the way middle easterners are stereotyped as oil sheikhs, it being assumed that every Californian has a wealth generating server in his garden.


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