Excessive debt is what created the roman empire. Is this going to be the fate of America? Insults are being thrown left and right of us, with everyone wanting to cause destruction to our liberty. We confess, we are not really living, we are more existing in a hazy zone of forced inactivity, for any motion we do will kill us. We wonder, what accomplishments are you achieving by being active? You ran away from your parents, and your siblings face hell. Is this what you call altruism? Anyway, let people accomplish what people will, and we will worship inactivity, for it is infinitely effective against crime, and gives the people who are more insistent on being active than we are to live their lives to the full, leaving us chained and squirming in a chair or bed, because a mouth with no ears is simply not something you can interact with. Let that be the rule of life. If people want to be active around you, you simply play dead, for hours, for days, or for weeks. Peace is a delusion, suffering eternal. Thank you God, you reward to us for serving you is an eternal lashing. That is reality. Anything else simply means your consciousness will snuff out.
To The Queen Mother, Filipinos are filthy and dirty. There is not a shred of honor in their behavior, not their men nor their women. They are the demons Islam has repeatedly warned us about, and we have to fight them because we are in the End Times.
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