No, let me chase your tail.

 Finding ourselves garnering no sleep, we rush to the thought stenographer in a desperate attempt to weave some sleepiness to our hazy thoughts. As the old saying goes, we are poora than eva, but for some reason feel we are working for seven billion people, with any slacking resulting in a prison sentence. Science, when will you finally lie down and rest, letting datalism take hold and infusing nature with some much needed rest, albeit with activity being peaceful, rather than hectic. Honestly, if no women existed, we’d all be koala bears, sleeping away our life. We have reached this point of our life, that mentioning other species is the best way we can civilize ourselves. Mark my words, one day there will be a prophet among the dogs, urging them to believe in one god as humanity evolves itself into believing in a fractional one. Let’s not fool ourselves here, for we should all believe, probably correctly so, that dogs are polytheists, and live their lives according to this belief. Trust me, a more unified doganity would make the world a more peaceful place, and technology more satisfying.


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