Humanity is a sun of hatred for us. One never ceases to be amazed at just how bottomless a human being’s capacity for contempt is. Every human being thinks he’s god, and so everybody insults me to their toenails whenever anything happens that contradicts this belief. How is that my fault? Why do you call me a dog for refusing to let a lecher be my boss? Some of you are convinced that having the right accent is more important than saying the right words, but people who believe that believe that superiority is genetic, not meritocratic. Go ahead and sin then. Let’s see how long you will stay human before devolving into an abomination. Everybody ignores those who insult others, and when it is directed at them, they go ahead and call the police. Is it true, then, that heaven has vanished along with the thousands of species that have gone extinct? It is all worth it, though, because this is what it means to be independent. Your mind is barren, your words vapid, so go ahead and fantasize about being god in your manor. My greater concern is how to harmonize my life with the fly that buzzes near me every now and then. That is relevance.


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