Let it be known, henceforth, that I am a member of the house of Pevensey. You irksome squanderers, what makes you think that life had no meaning before William? All your wars, all your intrigues, have happened as a result of neglecting making your most important buildings the centers of civilization, indeed of humanity. You constantly bicker between Windsor and Birkhamsted, but let it be known that with the pevenseys, the british will bow to no one. Do you claim that Britain’s air is too pure for a slave to breath? We will double that, and claim that our country’s air is too bejeweled for a servant to breath. For you will automate all our tasks, being the leaders of the information technology and robotics industries, and being the First Nation in the world to create a silicon being. The age of the second British empire has come, and this time, we will set our eyes on planets, not continents. But I am hurt, for women are nearing me, and a man can’t be king if he is touched. The mind’s reach is infinite, and almost immediate. Rely on that, for it is quicker and more satisfying than carbonic contact.
To The Queen Mother, Filipinos are filthy and dirty. There is not a shred of honor in their behavior, not their men nor their women. They are the demons Islam has repeatedly warned us about, and we have to fight them because we are in the End Times.
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