Curse my luck, noble Americans. I fought you with sword, mace and shield for years, but now I throw down the gauntlet and will join forces with you to let a cloven humanity mend, heal, and aim for the stars. We grow haggard with exhaustion, and ask ourselves, if we are eternal beings, is toil everlasting? Yes, but the effort decreases with time, for heaven is at a point infinitely distant in time, and we are getting ever closer to it, but never quite reaching it. Do you celebrate for being wealthy, or even the wealthiest? You are meaningless to me, for consciousness is information, and informationalism is incomparably superior to capitalism for the survival of humanity, them being competing ideologies. In this day and age, capitalism is dangerous, verging on terrorism, if not dipping into it. The value of your bank account is summarized purely by the amount of data stored in it, and nothing else. All other thinking and cogitating relating to it is mere pomp and circumstance that harms rather than benefits. Companies are not meaningless, because they are repositories of information. Buy stocks while you can, for all points towards an illiquid future.
To The Queen Mother, Filipinos are filthy and dirty. There is not a shred of honor in their behavior, not their men nor their women. They are the demons Islam has repeatedly warned us about, and we have to fight them because we are in the End Times.
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