The soldiers of destiny are busy sawing away at my arteries, for I threw away food a few days ago, and god only knows I will be bludgeoned to death for it. Deny me my right to respect you, because the speed with which I can learn serves to painfully accentuate my suffering. Go to your churches, for I lack the instinctive appetite to enable you to stay peppy without such visits.  I am going to suffer, because if a product does not scream halal to me I will faint on the spot due to sheer homelessness. The closer you march to your Mars, the more bricks we will lay for our mosque on the moon. You call yourself an entrepreneur, but what kind of entrepreneur are you, if you stand complacent with socialist scientists, instead of capitalistic ones? In our opinion, we prefer to create theories, then base products on them, rather than mixing socialistic science with capitalistic entrepreneurialism. Socialistic science is university science, which does not starve you to death if your theories are not powerful. Stop leeching off scientists, and be a scientist yourself, instead of a mere tinkerer, even if that does lead to that geriatric dream of going to Mars.


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