The days of science are coming to an end. Just as sorcery once served it’s purpose before it’s curtains were drawn, so science will one day shutter itself for storage, leaving datalism as the new paradigm with which to interact with reality, giving acceptance to the fact that nature itself is predictable with a personality, rather than unpredictable and working by acts of god, or chaos, for that is the unspoken engine that drives science. For this paradigm to emerge, there first needs to exist a prophet, or at least an acceptance in the community, of a fractional god, beyond which humanity lacks the mental capacity to comprehend or even acknowledge as existing. Just as god was a precursor to science, so a fractional god is a precursor to datalism. Before I state the impossible and claim that I am a datalist, let me first say that I am more likely an informationalist, for this is an earlier movement and phenomenon, replacing the, or being added to, the technology entrepreneur, who superseded the industrialist. The industrialist built industry, the technology entrepreneur built the informational infrastructure, and the informationalist utilizes it. 


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