Our words are getting weaker and weaker, and once again we find ourselves in a situation where others can support us, but we can’t support ourselves. We are living in great discomfort, running from this place to that place because we simply don’t know what to do with ourselves. This constant tug of war between angels and demons simply does us no good, for it forces us to be inactive, making us feel that our fate lies in every person’s hand but our own. If we love, then forgive us because it’s strength is not great enough to liberate us. We lack synchronicity, and that is exactly the difference between Gabriel and Lucifer, for gabriel likes harmony, lucifer disharmony. We find ourselves drowning, for words of honor are being thrown here and there like arrows from a bow after we have been thrown from the parapet, not knowing what lies below, but knowing that our armor, which has protected us for so long, might yet cause us to drown if we land on water. How many men and women exist on this earth, who have such great stability of virtue and passion, that they could stand motionless, as sentinels fulfilling their shift? Not many.
To The Queen Mother, Filipinos are filthy and dirty. There is not a shred of honor in their behavior, not their men nor their women. They are the demons Islam has repeatedly warned us about, and we have to fight them because we are in the End Times.
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