
King, your sceptre has no gemstone if you do not read the Bible, and temper it with the Quran. But God, how harshly you have destroyed the earth! There is not one river which you have not polluted, not one sky which you haven’t blackened. The human mind cannot understand more than a fraction of you, so thenceforth you will be our fractional god, having jurisdiction over humanity, but not over other creatures,,whom we will have to concede more and more as being our equals if we don’t want our earth to be annihilated. Believing in god would grant me almost infinite power, but what point is there in that, if the very oxygen around me will disappear before I die? Humanity is not the dominant nor the most sapient species on earth, and this zealous domination of nature through science has got to end. Datalism, that is the new paradigm, where our thoughts are limited not just by the behavior of what people think, but by the behavior of other species as well. It will create inhuman boredom for the weak, and ten additional universes for the stable. Gid, he is the future, and the only hope for ending the Holocene extinction.


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