
I am horrified at why Pope Francis has not yet denounced Joseph Smith as a heretic. If you vilified mohammed for 1400 years before respecting him, why not do the same for the mormons? Nothing else will civilize them, and they have to go through the ordeal of excommunication from mainstream christianity before they are seen as a working religion, something which they sorely aren’t currently. The brutality of their religion is the only reason why the harshest place in america houses them. We have not stimulated our brain enough with reading to be able to write very effectively here and there, and old thoughts seem to be incongruent fittings to our clock. But isn’t that what poetry is, saying words when reading them is as difficult as catching rainwater from the sea? Sometimes we feel so fired up by our emotions that we can concentrate on nothing but repeating the same mantra perhaps one hundred times in one sitting. It’s a shame, that you can only speak to good company if you have good thoughts. Managing burdensomeness is what is doing this to us, and trying to develop routine from a new life.    


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