
Hatred is no good. The peripheries of a kingdom is often where the vilest people are, but with no army of our own, what choice do we have for where else to live? The British during World War Two were irrational, for it is the height of silliness to spend more than half of a country’s gdp on defence, even if it is by a few percentage points. After all, what harm could a hitler who was localized in Germany have possibly done? I heartily condone shaking my finger at you and declaring that rationing goods for your own subjects practically amounts to treason, for beheadings, at best, should be viewed as equally as a full stomach. One wonders whether Britain is fighting its civil war on foreign soil for having military bases in opposing countries. A just war has no financial value, but should be promoted if it increases the world’s honor. Let’s be honest here, for India’s western counterpart is not the uk, but the European Union. No millennial could possibly die wealthy believing otherwise. My intrepid soldier, think of the helmet on your head as a coronet, and one day it really will be one.


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