If poverty did not exist nobody would ever need to work, not the wealthy, nor the poor. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of wisdom. That is what we believe in. The starship that will be the pinnacle of twenty first century achievement. An engineering marvel, but where will that take us, if not a sapling is carried with us in our journeys, and not a mew is heard amongst the dark expanses of a journey to create earths? Honestly, the word ‘new’ appended to cities will be amongst the most hackneyed of occurrences as we sojourn towards increasing the general consciousness of the universe. What new fruits will we taste, what aromatic vegetables? Be patient, whisper the gentry in the parliaments of the earth, for developing a theory might take no more than ten years, but we want to savor its development, swish it in our mind, roll it in our brain. Expansion is just one of the eternal tasks of humanity. The other is to homeostate what already exists, that a heightened civilization need not fester at the centre. Have you ever felt peace during sunset? Sustaining that contentment for longer periods is what a more organized universe will hold for us.


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