The mental health services of the country are slowly overlaying their web on the people, letting it be known that service to the country is what we should all aspire to. In the end, I don’t know why people say bad things, but what I do know is that saying that is unhealthy, and is a symptom of a disturbed mind. Great study needs to be accomplished in this field, for mental illness is as poorly understood as quantum mechanics, and greater insight into the matter will help our people become more productive and forces for good, rather than malevolent forces that antagonize common goals. Perhaps that is the reason for kingship, that it is better for people to glorify one person than it is to destroy twenty, because if we all try and kill each other, society cannot function, but if we concede towards respecting at least one person, then a country can flourish. It’s not ideal, but the truth of the matter is that perfect equality means perfect violence, which is why things need to be staggered to promote peace. The king represents the dreams of the people, and all a person needs to do to feel like him is to think about him.
To The Queen Mother, Filipinos are filthy and dirty. There is not a shred of honor in their behavior, not their men nor their women. They are the demons Islam has repeatedly warned us about, and we have to fight them because we are in the End Times.
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