You are the source of war. You laugh, as men are tortured in their beds. You are a horror story, and god only knows how I'll battle faints of fear from your happiness.
Hey food pusher, you view yourself as humanity’s prophet? Just one potato more, and you will faint from tiredness. Thank Mohammed -May he increase in virtue- that I will neither cripple nor burden you.
Hey lunatic, why are you laughing? You think you are going to be the rulers of this state if you don’t correct Mohammed’s moral failings? Shame be on you, my gods and goddesses.
What is the last verse of the Quran? It is silence, by far the longest and more important verse in the book. Don’t just think of yourself as a source of production only, my noble business partner, think of yourself as a source of storage as well, for that is just as necessary.
ايها التاجر الملكي للدولة، الوجبات مهمة، ولكن، ما من جهد هي تحتاج؟ اموظفك يعمل ١٦ ساعة في اليوم في سعي توفير الحلاوة واللحم؟ الآلات سوف تبلعه، فعينهم لجهود إضافية، جاعليهم منفذين المعلومات.
What is business? Making money? Eventually, that fills you with boredom. My honorable proprietor in chief. Find harmony, find peace, and serve the Jaffaria eternally.
What is the metagrammer? A metagrammer is somehow who utilizes technology, specifically programs, to create new products and services. It is the new age.
تركيزك مهم. نحن لا نريد أن نلعن الناس، ولكن يوجد حقا كمية هائلة من المجانين، الذي يضحكون بدل ما يركزون، ويشتمون بدلا من أن يعملون. الحياة ليست فقط مدح، بل نقد وعتابة نصف الوقت.
It is not our intention to trickle effort from ourselves to you. A better achievement would be to push inspiration to you, letting God’s kindness do it’s work in harmonizing your minds as a store for knowledge, and your hearts as a castle of respect.